The Quantum Transport Laboratory
at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Unveiling the Quantum Realm: Navigating the Qubit Frontier, Elevating Quantum Transport Research, and Shaping Tomorrow's Quantum Technologies.

Revolutionizing Device Technology

Electrical transport at quantizing dimensions is enriched by a number of exotic phenomena: quantum Hall effect, fractional quantum Hall effect, conductance quantization, flux-quantization, Aharanov-Bohm effect, single-electron tunneling, topologically protected states, etc., are a few to mention.
One important figure-of-merit of any scientific phenomena is its applicability in device technology. The outlook of our lab is to study, tailor, and utilize various quantum transport phenomena for improving our understanding of fundamental problems, pushing the limits, and revolutionizing device technology.

Latest Updates

IInvenTiv - 2025 @ IIT Madras

Qtran Lab participated in the IInvenTiv - 2025, a mega R&D fair for top higher education institutions of India

PhD Thesis Defence

Congratulations to Anusha S for sucessfully defending her thesis on "Configuring Quantum Point Contacts for Broadband Electrical Amplification"

Best Poster Award

Congratulations to Prasad M for securing the Best Poster Award in the "Frontier Symposium 2025 - IISER Thiruvananthapuram"

New Publication

On-chip cryogenic low-pass filters based on finite ground-plane coplanar waveguides for quantum measurements

Quantum technology exploits fragile quantum electronic phenomena whose energy scales demand ultra-low electron temperature operation. The lack of electron–phonon coupling at cryogenic temperatures makes cooling the electrons down to a few tens of millikelvin a non-trivial task, requiring extensive efforts on thermalization and filtering high-frequency noise. Existing techniques employ bulky and heavy cryogenic metal-powder filters, which prove ineffective at sub-GHz frequency regimes and unsuitable for high-density quantum circuits such as spin qubits. In this work, we realize ultra-compact and lightweight on-chip cryogenic filters based on the attenuation characteristics of finite ground-plane coplanar waveguides. These filters are made of aluminum on sapphire substrates using standard microfabrication techniques. The attenuation characteristics are measured down to a temperature of 500 mK in a dilution refrigerator in a wide frequency range of a few hundred kHz to 8.5 GHz. We find their performance is superior by many orders compared to the existing filtering schemes, especially in the sub-GHz regime, negating the use of any lumped-element low-pass filters. The compact and scalable nature makes these filters a suitable choice for high-density quantum circuits such as quantum processors based on quantum dot spin qubits.
For more details :

PhD Thesis Defence

Congratulations to Sreevidya N for sucessfully defending her thesis on "Voltage tunable phases on electric double layer gated MoS2"

Electric double layer (EDL) gating technique is employed in few layered MoS2 to study gate induced 2D superconductivity in the system. Exotic vortex phases such as Bose metal phase and thermally activated flux flow are observed in the system. Vortex dynamics corresponding to each phase are investigated. The highly mobile vortices leave transient signatures in the magnetoresistance. By analysing the temporal behaviour of the resistance, we establish a one-to-one correlation between the vortex dynamics and the quantum phases realised on our system against the magnetic field, the driving current, and the temperature. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the transient nature and the noise characteristics of the magnetoresistance confirm that quantum fluctuations are solely responsible for the Bose metal state and the fragility of the superconducting state. The device shows a re-entrant insulating phase at higher gating voltage.The application of EDL gating to selectively dope the contact region to establish low-resistance barrier-free contacts is studied. The contact regions are exposed to ionic liquid, while the active channel region is protected with a h-BN layer. The devices exhibit ohmic source and drain contacts, while the active region maintains excellent ON-OFF characteristics, making this technique establish ohmic contacts on these systems. Experiments on transport across EDL-gated metallic MoS2-MoS2 homojunctions to characterize the van der Waals gap (vW) is also studied. From the current-voltage and transconductance measurements down to a temperature of 4 K, we confirm the metallic nature of the constituent MoS2 flakes, while the inter-flake transport shows a clear signature of the tunnel junction, confirming that the vW gap survives the electronic doing by the EDL gating technique.

Best Poster Award

Congratulations to Annu Anns Sunny for securing the Best Poster Award in the "Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2024"

Kerala Science Slam

QTran lab participated in the Kerala Science Slam 2024

Annu Anns Sunny presented her work on 'Quantum technologies based on two-dimensional Josephson Junctions' and Parvathy Gireesan presented her work on 'Electron spin state based quantum computing' at the Kerala Science Slam'24 held by Kerala Shastra Sahithya Parishath.

New Publication

Light-Induced Transformation of a Supramolecular Gel to a Stronger Covalent Polymeric Gel

A polymerizable diacetylene gelator, containing urea and urethane groups, that congeals various non-polar solvents was synthesized. The gelator molecules self-assemble forming non-covalent polymers through intermolecular hydrogen bonding, as evidenced from FT-IR and concentration-dependent 1H NMR spectroscopy. The self-assembly positions the diyne units of adjacent molecules at proximity and in a geometry suitable for their topochemical polymerization. UV irradiation of the gel resulted in topochemical polymerization, transforming the non-covalent polymer to a covalent polymer, in situ, in the gel state. The polymerization was confirmed by characterizing the polydiacetylene (PDA) using UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopy. Time-dependent rheological studies revealed gradual strengthening of the gel with the duration of irradiation, suggesting that the degree of polymerization increases with the duration of irradiation. The PDA formed is a semiconductor, which might be useful for various applications.
For more details :

12th Convocation

Congratulations to the graduating members of QTran Lab

JRF to SRF - Parvathy Gireesan

One-electron gated quantum dot array with integrated readout scheme on GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure for spin-qubit realization

New Publication

Physical vapor deposition-free scalable high-efficiency electrical contacts to MoS2

Fermi-level pinning caused by the kinetic damage during metallization has been recognized as one of the majorreasons for the non-ideal behavior of electrical contacts, forbidding reaching the Schottky-Mott limit. In thismanuscript, we present a scalable technique wherein Indium, a low-work-function metal, is diffused to contact afew-layered MoS2 flake. The technique exploits a smooth outflow of Indium over gold electrodes to make edgecontacts to pre-transferred MoS2 flakes. We compare the performance of three pairs of contacts made onto thesame MoS2 flake, the bottom-gold, top-gold, and Indium contacts, and find that the Indium contacts are superiorto other contacts. The Indium contacts maintain linear I-V characteristics down to cryogenic temperatures with anextracted Schottky barrier height of ~ 2.1 meV. First-principle calculations show the induced in-gap states closeto the Fermi level, and the damage-free contact interface could be the reason for the nearly Ohmic behavior of theIndium/MoS2 interface.
For more details :

New Publication

Polymorphism-driven Distinct Nanomechanical, Optical, Photophysical, and Conducting Properties in a Benzothiophene-quinoline

Polymorphic forms of organic conjugated small molecules, with  their  unique  molecular  shapes,  packing  arrangements,  and interaction patterns, provide an excellent opportunity to uncover how their microstructures influence their observable properties. Ethyl-2‐(1‐benzothiophene‐2‐yl)quinoline‐4‐carboxylate (BZQ) exists as dimorphs  with  distinct  crystal  habits―blocks(BZB)  and  needles (BZN). The crystal forms differ in their molecular arrangements―BZBhas a slip-stacked column-like structure in contrast to a zig-zag crystal packing  with  limited  π–overlap   in BZN.   The BZBcrystals characterized  by  extended  π-stacking  along  [100]  demonstrated semiconductor  behavior,  whereas  the BZN,  with  its  zig-zag  crystal packing  and  limited  stacking characteristics,  was  reckoned  as  an insulator.  Monotropically related  crystal  forms  also differ  in  their nanomechanical properties,  with BZBcrystals  being  considerably softer  than BZNcrystals.
For more details :

New Publication

Transient vortex dynamics and evolution of Bose metal from a 2D superconductor on MoS2

A metallic ground state in 2D is beyond the consensus of both Bosonic and Fermionic systems, and itsorigin and nature warrant a comprehensive theoretical understanding supplemented by in-depth experiments. A real-time observation of the influence of vortex dynamics on transport properties sofar has been elusive. We explore the nature and fate of a low-viscous, clean,  2D superconducting stateformed on an ionic-liquid gated few-layered MoS2 sample. The vortex-core being dissipative, the elasticdepinning, intervortex interaction, and the subsequent dynamics of the vortex-lattice leave transientsignatures in the transport characteristics.  The temperature and magnetic field dependence of thetransient nature and  the noise characteristics of the magnetoresistance confirm that quantum fluctuationsare solely responsible for the Bose metal state and the fragility of the superconducting state. .
For more details :

New Publication

GHz operation of a quantum point contact using stub-impedance matching circuit

In this work, we couple a QPC galvanically to a superconducting stub tuner impedance matching circuit realised in a coplanar waveguide architecture to enhance the operation frequency into the GHz regime and investigate the electrical amplification and complex admittance characteristics. The device, operating at ~ 1.96 GHz, exhibits a conductance sensitivity of 2.92×105(e2/h)/H1/2 with a bandwidth of 13 MHz.
For more details :


First Semiconducting Quantum Dot measured at QTran Lab

After many sleepless months, patience and teamwork, We at QTran Lab have finally developed India's First Semiconducting Quantum Dot. Quantum Dots are fundamental blocks of Spin Qubits and that would be our next step.

Reach out to us

Feel free to get in touch with us! We're always excited to connect with fellow researchers, enthusiasts, and potential collaborators. Whether you're interested in our ongoing projects, seeking insights, or looking to explore new opportunities, we're here to engage in meaningful conversations that propel us into the future of quantum exploration.


Room No. 1203,
Physical Sciences Block,
IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Phone: 0471 2778085


Room No. 2202,
Physical Sciences Block,
IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Phone: 0471 2778084

Funding and Support

We gratefully acknowledge the financial backing and collaboration from our sponsors. Their contributions play a pivotal role in advancing our research, enabling us to investigate the intricate world of quantum transport and its potential applications.


Dr. Madhu Thalakulam

Principal Investigator

Dr. Madhu Thalakulam

Research Interests:

  • Quantum transport: Transport in nanoscale devices such as QPCs, quantum dots, superconducting tunnel junction systems.
  • High-frequency measurements: Radio-frequency reflectometry of nanoscale devices such as QPCs, Quantum dots etc.
  • Solid state qubits: Single spin manipulation and detection in quantum dot qubits. Quantum measurement and back action in nanoscale devices.
  • Devices on van der Waals materials and heterostructures
  • Topological Insulators (TI) and TI based devices for spintronics


+91 (0)471 - 2778084



Ph.D. Applied Physics (Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University, Houston TX, May 2007. )

Post doctoral researcher (Quantum Phenomena Department, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA.(2010-2012)). Post Doctoral Researcher (Silicon quantum computing group, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.(2007-2010))

Dr. Deena Nath

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Deena Nath

Research Interests:

  • Gated quantum dots on MoS2 for spin qubit applications




B.Sc Physics from Bareilly College Bareilly, U.P. M.Sc from MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P, Ph.D from UGC-DAE CSR Kalpakkam Node, Tamilnadu. First Post-doctorate from IISER Mohali, Punjab.

Sreevidya N

Doctoral Student

Sreevidya N

Research Interests:

  • Phase Engineering of 2D MoS2 We explore the nature and fate of a clean, 2D superconducting state formed on an ionic-liquid gated few-layered MoS2 sample.
  • Phase engineering of MoS2 is also important to design low-resistance contacts to realize FETs with enhanced performance.




B.Sc Physics- Vimala College Thrissur, Calicut university; M.Sc Physics- NIT Calicut

Anusha S

Doctoral Student

Anusha S

Research Interests:

  • High frequency measurements of nano-scale devices using superconducting stub impedance matching circuit.
  • GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum point contacts
  • Contact engineering MoS2 - Indium contacts
  • MoS2 QPC




B.Sc Physics - Government Victoria College, Palakkad; M.Sc Physics - Cochin University of Science and Technology.

Annu Anns Sunny

Doctoral Student

Annu Anns Sunny

Research Interests:

  • Scalable van der waals Josephson Junctions
  • Niobium Diselenide based devices




MSc Physics from Sacred Heart College Thevera . BSc Physics from Assumption College Changanacherry

Hari Krishnan S

Integrated PhD Student

Hari Krishnan S

Research Interests:

  • Working towards the realisation of semiconducting spin qubits for quantum computing, which involves hybrid circuit QED where quantum dots are coupled to microwave resonators for qubit control, readout and long range spin-spin coupling.




B.Sc (Physics), Loyola College (Affiliated to University of Madras)

Prasad M

Doctoral Student

Prasad M

Research Interests:

  • "Scalable Semiconductor Quantum Dots for the Spin Qubit application on Si/SiGe and Low noise Qubit measurements"




Masters in Physics from NIT Trichy in 2020.

Bachelor degree in Physical Sciences(Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) from Nrupathunga University, Bengaluru

Parvathy Gireesan

Doctoral Student

Parvathy Gireesan

Research Interests:

  • Gated quantum dots on Silicon and vdW layered systems, for spin qubit applications.




Integrated BS-MS dual degree, with major in Physics and minor in Mathematics, from IISER-THIRIVANANTHAPURAM

Lucky Donald Lyngdoh Kynshi

Doctoral Student

Lucky Donald Lyngdoh Kynshi

Research Interests:

  • Semiconductor Gated Quantum dots
  • Surface acoustic waves.
  • Coupling between a resonator and surface acoustic waves
  • piezoelectric strain sensing




MSc from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

Rajat Bharadwaj

Integrated PhD Student

Rajat Bharadwaj

Research Interests:

  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum qubits and resonators




B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering

Umang Soni

Doctoral Student

Umang Soni

Research Interests:

  • Experimental Quantum Computing
  • Undoped Si/SiGe heterostructures  
  • 2 Dimensional Hole Gas
  • Semiconductor physics




Masters at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Rohit Dhawa

Integrated PhD Student

Rohit Dhawa

Research Interests:

  • Device Characterization of Surface Acoustic Waves





Integrated BS-MS student


Research Interests:

  • Ohmic contacts on Si/SiGe 2DEG heterostructures
  • Experimental Quantum Computing
  • Semiconductor Physics




5th year Integrated BS-MS at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Rasmiya Shirin C

Integrated BS-MS student

Rasmiya Shirin C

Research Interests:

  • 2D materials
  • Low temperature measurements




5th year Integrated BS-MS at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Rafey Khan

Integrated BS-MS student

Rafey Khan

Research Interests:

  • Quantum dot readouts
  • hardware of different type of quantum dots




Shakthidhar Vilvanathan

Integrated BS-MS student

Shakthidhar Vilvanathan

Research Interests:

  • Tight Binding Simulations for Quantum Transport
  • DFT Simulations on 2-D materials
  • Hardware Programming




3rd year Integrated BS-MS at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Sanjay B

Integrated BS-MS student

Sanjay B

Research Interests:

  • Microwave electronics and Microwave circuits
  • RF Simulations (HFSS & Qiskit)




2nd year Integrated BS-MS at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Ajit Gopalakrishna Bhat

Integrated BS-MS student

Ajit Gopalakrishna Bhat

Research Interests:

  • Quantum Transport
  • High frequency simulation on nanoscale devices
  • Charge sensing




2nd Year Integrated BS-MS at IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Doctoral Student

Dr. Prasantha Kumbhakar

Post Doctoral at the Oxford University, England.

Doctoral Student

Dr. Ashby Philip Johnson

Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Arkansas, USA

Doctoral Student

Dr. Chitra H. Sharma

Av Humboldt Fellow CHyN, Universitat Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

Project Fellows

  • Harshit Choubey
    PhD Student in University of Basel, Switzerland
  • Anoop K
    PhD student at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Master's Students

  • Pratheek Malol
    PhD Student in University in Jyväskylä, Finland
  • Vivek Kumar
    PhD student in KU Leuven, Belgium
    • Ayisha Ferhana
      PhD Student at University of Pittsburg, USA
    • Dwithi Pillai
      PhD Student at Arizona State University, USA
    • Midhun Murali
      Project Associate at TCG CREST
    • Shyam Raj K
      PhD Student at Florida State university
    • Ankit
      PhD student at Chalmers University of technology, Sweden
    • Dhurjati Sai Abhishikth
      PhD student at TU Dresden, Germany
    • Govind Krishna
      PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
    • Parvathy Gireesan
      PhD student at IISER Thiruvananthapuram
    • Naipunya
      Quantum researcher at Fujitsu Research
      • Blesson Sam Varghese
        Completed his PhD from University of Basel, Switzerland
        • Abin Varghese
          Research Associate at King's college, London
        • Ananthu P surendhran
          Research Associate at King's college, London

        External Project Students

        • Shiju prasad
          PhD student at University of St Andrews, Scotland
        • Manish
          Working at ISRO


        Material Processing and Device Fabrication

        Our laboratory specializes in advanced material processing techniques, allowing us to engineer materials with tailored properties, including lithographic techniques, thin film deposition, etching, and doping, to create the foundation for innovative quantum devices.

        Material Characterization

        Material characterization involves analyzing the physical, chemical, and structural properties of substances to gain insights into their composition and behavior.

        Electrical Characterization

        Electrical characterization is a fundamental process in materials science and electronics, involving the measurement of electrical properties such as conductivity, resistivity, and carrier mobility. This technique provides crucial insights into the behavior and performance of electronic materials and devices, enabling advancements in fields like semiconductor technology and quantum electronics.

        Experimental Facilities

        Bluefors LD250 Dilution Refrigerator

        The LD is the dilution refrigerator measurement system. It has best-in-class heat exchangers with superior performance. The LD250 system typically provides more than 15 μW at 20 mK on the experimental flange with only 18 liters of helium-3. In addition, it has a high cooling power of ∼ 0.5 mW when operated at 100 mK. It is capable of cooling down to 10mk and can be integrated with a superconducting solenoid magnet up to 8T.

        4K Cryostat

        Our laboratory houses a state-of-the-art 4K cryostat, an indispensable tool for conducting quantum transport experiments. It provides an ultra-low-temperature environment down to 4 Kelvin, creating ideal conditions for studying the quantum behavior of electronic systems.

        Raith PIONEER 2 for electron beam lithography

        The PIONEER Two integrates all the highest-performance ingredients for professional EBL and SEM imaging into a single complete turnkey system. Versatility, robustness, and user-friendliness make PIONEER Two suitable for all those not only seeking to “print” and re-inspect their nanostructures, but also wanting to access an analytical tool with capabilities for SEM imaging and chemical or structural analysis in materials or life sciences.

        MicroWriter ML3 for direct-write(Maskless) lithography

        MicroWriter ML3 is a compact, high-performance, direct-write optical lithography machine. Four different minimum feature sizes (0.6µm, 1µm, 2µm, and 5µm) can be selected automatically via software.  This allows non-critical parts of the exposure to be performed rapidly while retaining high-resolution writing for critical parts. An additional 0.4µm minimum feature size is available as an option.

        Wire bonder

        Wire bonder is an essential tool for creating reliable electrical connections within our quantum devices. It enables precise wire bonding to semiconductor components, ensuring low-resistance, high-fidelity connections critical for quantum transport experiments.

        Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)

        Our facility is equipped with advanced Reactive Ion Etching tools, enabling precise and controlled removal of materials at the nanoscale. RIE is a crucial technique for sculpting intricate quantum device structures with exceptional accuracy.

        MILA-5000 Annealer

        The MILA-5000 series can perform high speed heating, high speed cooling, and clean heating, which are characteristics of the Infrared Gold Image Furnace. It can heat materials under adjustable atmospheres and combines a temperature controller and variable atmosphere chamber into a single low-cost infrared lamp heating system.

        Two Thermal Evaporators

        Thermal evaporation is a common method of physical vapor deposition (PVD). It is one of the simplest forms of PVD and typically uses a resistive heat source to evaporate a solid material in a vacuum environment to form a thin film. The material is heated in a high vacuum chamber until vapor pressure is produced. The evaporated material, or vapor stream, traverses the vacuum chamber with thermal energy and coats the substrate.

        vW heterostructure micropositioning (Lab-made)

        Deterministic transfer of two dimensional crystals constitutes a crucial step towards the fabrication of hetero-structures based on artificial stacking of two dimensional van der waals materials. This setup allows for the placement of 2-D materials onto a user defined specific location with high accuracy and reliability.

        UV- Mask Aligner (Lab-made)

        A Mask aligner is a machine to transcribe a fine pattern on a substrate using UV light. Substrates are made of various materials, silicon, glass, ceramic, GaAs, quartz, etc. It is used in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices, such as general transistors and Integrated circuits, and also used for LCD glass patterns and quartz crystal units as well.

        RF Measurements

        Measurement electronics for RF measurements in dilution refrigerator- Vector Network analyzer, Signal generator, Spectrum analyzer, Oscilloscope...

        Microwave Plasma Cleaner

        Our laboratory is equipped with a cutting-edge microwave plasma cleaner, a vital tool for achieving pristine and contamination-free surfaces on our quantum devices. This technology efficiently removes organic residues and contaminants from samples, ensuring the highest quality interfaces for precise quantum transport measurements.

        Tube Furnace

        Our tube furnace is an integral part of our research infrastructure, empowering investigations into the fabrication and modification of quantum materials, essential for pioneering research in quantum transport and quantum electronics.


        Congratulations to Parvathy Gireesan for receiving "Best Poster Award" at FSP-2024 hosted by School of Physics IISER TVM
        Congratulations to Lucky Donald Lyngdoh Kynshi for being selected for Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF)
        Congratulations to Hari Krishnan for being promoted from JRF to SRF.
        We at QTran Lab -IISER TVM have finally developed India's first semiconducting quantum dot.
        Congratualtions to Prasad for being promoted from JRF to SRF.

        Positions Available

        Please contact Dr. Madhu Thalakulam

        Projects Available

        Please contact Dr. Madhu Thalakulam


        Semiconduction Quantum dot of Qtran


        We at QTran Lab -IISER TVM have finally developed India's first semiconducting quantum dot.

        Read more ...

        Congratulations to Master's Graduates!


        "Join us in congratulating the outstanding individuals who have successfully completed their Master's journey in our laboratory!"

        Read more ...

        Empowering Minds in the Quantum Universe:

        Explore Our Cutting-Edge Courses and Resources for a Quantum Leap in Knowledge

        Lectures, Talks and Resources

        Dive into the cutting-edge world of quantum transport measurement at Qtran Laboratory, where innovative fabrication and precision cryostat techniques drive breakthroughs in quantum technology.
        Dive into the mesmerizing world of quantum transport with our comprehensive course. Dr. Madhu Thalakulam comprehensively explained Quantum Transport and its applications in this course conducted as a part of the SWAYAM program initiated by the Government of India.


        • Growth and Characterisation of vW heterostructures (Arathi Das M. K.)
        • Strain Engineering Bandgap and Piezoresistivity in Few-layer MoS2. (Arya T. )
        • Automated electrical transport measurements for multi-gated quantum devices. Sangeeth S. Varma)
        • Metallic like states on MoS2 using microwave plasma (Ananthu P. S)
        • Patterned growth of Bismuth Selenide  heterostructures for device applications (Alwyn Antony)
        • Microwave Plasma assisted layer reduction and patterning of TMDCs for 2D device application (Abin Varghese)
        • Effect of molecular packing on charge transfer and photoconductivity in single-crystal organic FETs. (Avirup Roy) 
        • Electronic transport in 2D layered field effect devices (Prafful Golani)
        • unneling of fractional quantum hall quasi-particles in Quantum point contacts (Amandeep Singh) 
        • Fabrication and characterization of exfoliated Bi2Se3 and MoS2 devices to study the topological insulating behavior (Chithra H. Sharma)


        • Overdamped van der Waals Josephson junctions by area engineering
          Annu Anns Sunny, Harshit Choubey, Ankit Khola, Sreevidya Narayanan, Rajat Bharadwaj, Parvathy Gireesan, Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • Shot-noise-driven macroscopic vibrations and displacement transduction in quantum tunnel junctions
          Prasanta Kumbhakar, Anusha Shanmugam, Akhileshwar Mishra, Ravi Pant, JL Reno, S Addamane, Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • Refining Au/Sb alloyed ohmic contacts in undoped Si/SiGe strained quantum wells
          LDL Kynshi, U Soni, CH Sharma, M Thalakulam [link]
        • On-chip cryogenic low-pass filters based on finite ground-plane coplanar waveguides for quantum measurements
          Prasad Muragesh, Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • Light-Induced Transformation of a Supramolecular Gel to a Stronger Covalent Polymeric Gel
          Sabith K. Saleem, Thejus Pramod, Pruthvi Kuruva, Shyamkumar V. Haridas, Anusha Shanmugam, Madhu Thalakulam, Kana M. Sureshan [link]
        • Physical vapor deposition-free scalable high-efficiency electrical contacts to MoS2.‍
          Anusha Shanmugam, Muhammad Arshad Thekke Purayil, Sai Abhishikth Dhurjati and Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • Polymorphism-driven Distinct Nanomechanical, Optical, Photophysical, and Conducting Properties in a Benzothiophene-quinoline.
          K. S. Bejoymohandas, Ashish Redhu, Chithra H. Sharma, Sunil SeethaLekshmi, I. S. Divya, M. S. R. N. Kiran, Madhu Thalakulam, Filippo Monti, Rajesh V. Nair, Sunil Varughese [link]
        • Transient vortex dynamics and evolution of Bose metal from a 2D superconductor on MoS2.
          Sreevidya Narayanan, Anoop Kamalasanan, Annu Anns Sunny and Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • GHz operation of a quantum point contact using stub-impedance matching circuit.
          Anusha Shanmugam, Prasanta Kumbhakar, Harikrishnan Sundaresan, Annu Anns Sunny,J.L. Reno , Madhu Thalakulam [link]
        • Dimorphs of a Benzothiophene-quinoline Derivative with Distinct Mechanical, Optical, Photophysical and Conducting Properties
          KS Bejoymohandas, A Ashish, Chithra H Sharma, Sunil SeethaLekshmi, Kiran SRN Mangalampalli, Indira S Divya, Madhu Thalakulam, Filippo Monti, Rajesh V Nair, Sunil Varughese.
        • Growth of highly crystalline ultrathin two-dimensional selenene
          Prasad V Sarma, Renjith Nadarajan, Ritesh Kumar, Riya Mol Patinharayil, Navya Biju, Sreevidya Narayanan, Guanhui Gao, Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Madhu Thalakulam, Rajeev N Kini, Abhishek K Singh, Pulickel M Ajayan, Manikoth M Shaijumon.
        • Quantum point contact galvanically coupled to planar superconducting resonator: a shot-noise-limited broad-band electrical amplifier
          Prasanta Kumbhakar, Anusha Shanmugam, Chithra H Sharma, JL Reno and, Madhu Thalakulam.
        • Strain Engineering the Schottky barrier and electrical transport on MoS2. [link]
          Ashby J Philip, Arya Tthenapparambil and Madhu Thalakulam, Nanotechnology 31, 275703 (2020)
        • Electrocatalysis on edge-rich spiral WS2 for hydrogen evolution. [link]
          Prasad V. Sarma, Arijit Kayal, Chithra H. Sharma, Madhu Thalakulam, J. Mitra, M. M. Shaijumon, ACS-Nano,13, 10448 (2019)
        • Quantum tunnel junction coupled with coplanar waveguide resonator. [link]
          Prasanta Kumbhakar & Madhu Thalakulam, AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030220 (2019)
        • 2D superconductivity and vortex dynamics in 1T-MoS2. [link]
          Chithra H. Sharma, Ananthu P.S., Sangeeth S. Varma and Madhu Thalakulam Communications Physics, 1, 90 (2018); arXiv:1805.07060
        • Stable and scalable 1T MoS2 with low-temperature coefficient of resistance. [link]
          Chithra H. Sharma, Ananthu P.S., Abin Varghese and Madhu Thalakulam Scientific Reports, 8, 12463 (2018) arXiv:1801.07049
        • Split-gated point-contact for electrostatic confinement of transport in MoS2/h-BN hybrid structures. [link]
          Chithra H. Sharma and Madhu Thalakulam Scientific Reports,
          7, 735 (2017)
        • Topography preserved microwave plasma etching for top-down layer engineering in MoS2 and other van der Waals materials.  [link]
          Abin Varghese, Chithra H. Sharma and Madhu Thalakulam, Nanoscale, 9, 3818 (2017)
        • Chaotic quantum transport near the charge neutrality point in inverted type-II InAs/GaSb  field-effect transistors. [link]
          W. Pan, J. F. Klem, J. K. Kim, M. Thalakulam, M. J. Cich, and S. K. Lyo, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 033504, (2013).
        • Single-shot charge sensing and tunnel-rate spectroscopy of a few electron Si/SiGe quantum dot. [link]
          Madhu Thalakulam, et  al., Phys. Rev. B, 84, 045307 (2011).
        • Pauli spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot. [link]
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