Unveiling the Quantum Realm: Navigating the Qubit Frontier, Elevating Quantum Transport Research, and Shaping Tomorrow's Quantum Technologies.
Electrical transport at quantizing dimensions is enriched by a number of exotic phenomena: quantum Hall effect, fractional quantum Hall effect, conductance quantization, flux-quantization, Aharanov-Bohm effect, single-electron tunneling, topologically protected states, etc., are a few to mention.
One important figure-of-merit of any scientific phenomena is its applicability in device technology. The outlook of our lab is to study, tailor, and utilize various quantum transport phenomena for improving our understanding of fundamental problems, pushing the limits, and revolutionizing device technology.
Feel free to get in touch with us! We're always excited to connect with fellow researchers, enthusiasts, and potential collaborators. Whether you're interested in our ongoing projects, seeking insights, or looking to explore new opportunities, we're here to engage in meaningful conversations that propel us into the future of quantum exploration.
Room No. 1203,
Physical Sciences Block,
IISER Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: 0471 2778085
Email: qtran@iisertvm.ac.in
Room No. 2202,
Physical Sciences Block,
IISER Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: 0471 2778084
Email: madhu@iisertvm.ac.in
We gratefully acknowledge the financial backing and collaboration from our sponsors. Their contributions play a pivotal role in advancing our research, enabling us to investigate the intricate world of quantum transport and its potential applications.
Ph.D. Applied Physics (Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University, Houston TX, May 2007. )
Post doctoral researcher (Quantum Phenomena Department, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA.(2010-2012)). Post Doctoral Researcher (Silicon quantum computing group, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.(2007-2010))
B.Sc Physics from Bareilly College Bareilly, U.P. M.Sc from MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P, Ph.D from UGC-DAE CSR Kalpakkam Node, Tamilnadu. First Post-doctorate from IISER Mohali, Punjab.
B.Sc Physics- Vimala College Thrissur, Calicut university; M.Sc Physics- NIT Calicut
B.Sc Physics - Government Victoria College, Palakkad; M.Sc Physics - Cochin University of Science and Technology.
B.Sc (Physics), Loyola College (Affiliated to University of Madras)
Masters in Physics from NIT Trichy in 2020.
Bachelor degree in Physical Sciences(Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) from Nrupathunga University, Bengaluru
Integrated BS-MS dual degree, with major in Physics and minor in Mathematics, from IISER-THIRIVANANTHAPURAM
MSc from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Our laboratory specializes in advanced material processing techniques, allowing us to engineer materials with tailored properties, including lithographic techniques, thin film deposition, etching, and doping, to create the foundation for innovative quantum devices.
Electrical characterization is a fundamental process in materials science and electronics, involving the measurement of electrical properties such as conductivity, resistivity, and carrier mobility. This technique provides crucial insights into the behavior and performance of electronic materials and devices, enabling advancements in fields like semiconductor technology and quantum electronics.
The LD is the dilution refrigerator measurement system. It has best-in-class heat exchangers with superior performance. The LD250 system typically provides more than 15 μW at 20 mK on the experimental flange with only 18 liters of helium-3. In addition, it has a high cooling power of ∼ 0.5 mW when operated at 100 mK. It is capable of cooling down to 10mk and can be integrated with a superconducting solenoid magnet up to 8T.
Our laboratory houses a state-of-the-art 4K cryostat, an indispensable tool for conducting quantum transport experiments. It provides an ultra-low-temperature environment down to 4 Kelvin, creating ideal conditions for studying the quantum behavior of electronic systems.
The PIONEER Two integrates all the highest-performance ingredients for professional EBL and SEM imaging into a single complete turnkey system. Versatility, robustness, and user-friendliness make PIONEER Two suitable for all those not only seeking to “print” and re-inspect their nanostructures, but also wanting to access an analytical tool with capabilities for SEM imaging and chemical or structural analysis in materials or life sciences.
MicroWriter ML3 is a compact, high-performance, direct-write optical lithography machine. Four different minimum feature sizes (0.6µm, 1µm, 2µm, and 5µm) can be selected automatically via software. This allows non-critical parts of the exposure to be performed rapidly while retaining high-resolution writing for critical parts. An additional 0.4µm minimum feature size is available as an option.
Wire bonder is an essential tool for creating reliable electrical connections within our quantum devices. It enables precise wire bonding to semiconductor components, ensuring low-resistance, high-fidelity connections critical for quantum transport experiments.
Our facility is equipped with advanced Reactive Ion Etching tools, enabling precise and controlled removal of materials at the nanoscale. RIE is a crucial technique for sculpting intricate quantum device structures with exceptional accuracy.
The MILA-5000 series can perform high speed heating, high speed cooling, and clean heating, which are characteristics of the Infrared Gold Image Furnace. It can heat materials under adjustable atmospheres and combines a temperature controller and variable atmosphere chamber into a single low-cost infrared lamp heating system.
Thermal evaporation is a common method of physical vapor deposition (PVD). It is one of the simplest forms of PVD and typically uses a resistive heat source to evaporate a solid material in a vacuum environment to form a thin film. The material is heated in a high vacuum chamber until vapor pressure is produced. The evaporated material, or vapor stream, traverses the vacuum chamber with thermal energy and coats the substrate.
Deterministic transfer of two dimensional crystals constitutes a crucial step towards the fabrication of hetero-structures based on artificial stacking of two dimensional van der waals materials. This setup allows for the placement of 2-D materials onto a user defined specific location with high accuracy and reliability.
A Mask aligner is a machine to transcribe a fine pattern on a substrate using UV light. Substrates are made of various materials, silicon, glass, ceramic, GaAs, quartz, etc. It is used in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices, such as general transistors and Integrated circuits, and also used for LCD glass patterns and quartz crystal units as well.
Measurement electronics for RF measurements in dilution refrigerator- Vector Network analyzer, Signal generator, Spectrum analyzer, Oscilloscope...
Our laboratory is equipped with a cutting-edge microwave plasma cleaner, a vital tool for achieving pristine and contamination-free surfaces on our quantum devices. This technology efficiently removes organic residues and contaminants from samples, ensuring the highest quality interfaces for precise quantum transport measurements.
Our tube furnace is an integral part of our research infrastructure, empowering investigations into the fabrication and modification of quantum materials, essential for pioneering research in quantum transport and quantum electronics.