Travel awards for Sajesh!

Sajesh has been awarded the ESEB (European Society for Evolutionary Biology) Travel Award to attend ESEB 2022 in Prague and a Developing Neuroethology Award from the International Society for Neuroethology to attend ICN 2022 in Lisbon. Apart from these, he is also attending  ICE 2022 in Helsinki.

We wish him happy traveling!

Lab participation at FS-BIO 2022.

Aditya, Anumit, Asmi, Reshma and Sudeep presented a part of their works during the poster presentation at the FS-BIO symposium, 2022.  Sajesh gives a students talk on the “Shimmering behaviour of Apis dorsata” and bags the “Flash talk award” for the same.

Well presented you guys!

Below are the pics of Aditya, Asmi, Reshma and Sudeep flaunting their posters.

Last one is Sajesh giving his talk.

Picture courtesy: Anumit Saralkar (1-4), Yash Bhale (5).