NSMB lab welcomes the new postdoctoral member Dr. Sandrea Maureen Francis.

NSMB lab welcomes Sandrea Maureen Francis. KSCSTE  Back To Lab postdoctoral fellow.  She comes to NSMB lab with a vast experience in protein crystallography and an ambition to learn single particle cryoEM.  She completed her Ph.D in protein crystallography from Spain in the lab of Dr. Jeronimo Bravo at IBV, Valencia. Her Ph.D thesis involved the crystallization and structure solution of a GTP binding protein, Rbg1 in complex with another protein, which resulted in a publication in Nucleic Acid Research apart from other publications.. She has also worked in the lab of Dr. Bertrand Seraphin at IGBMC, Strasbourg in order to functionally characterize this protein complex.